In a full-page ad that ran in the 7/31/16 editions of the Detroit Free Press, the New York Times, and other major newspapers, leaders of prominent foundations around the country, including the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan’s president Mariam Nolan, urge us during these uncertain times to embrace #ReasonsForHope within our communities.
The full text of the ad is as follows:
Every American generation must face defining moments. We are facing one now.
The recent killings of people and police officers in communities across the country have stirred feelings of discord and despair, and left Americans wondering how we’ll find a way forward.
Yet America has faced many such moments before, and found a path toward our ideals of dignity, equality, and justice.
From this history, we draw hope.
Today, our nation needs more bridges of dialogue and fewer barriers of division. America’s foundations are proud to help courageous leaders build these bridges, neighbor to neighbor, community by community.
Though we find ourselves at the crossroads of crisis, we are also in a moment of opportunity. In spite of anguish and uncertainty, ideas, inspiration, and action abound.
As presidents of America’s philanthropic foundations, the remarkable organizations we support give us all countless reasons for hope.
What gives you hope?
Share the action taking place in your community at #reasonsforhope. And visit our websites to learn about the organizations working for change all across the country — support them, volunteer, or get involved.