“Last month, the New Economy Initiative (NEI), one of the nation’s largest philanthropic partnerships focused on innovation and entrepreneurship, unveiled the results of two reports it commissioned to measure the organization’s impact, and the data confirms that Detroit’s entrepreneurial ecosystem is growing.
According to research done by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, the NEI’s support has helped entrepreneurs and small businesses generate $2.9 billion in real economic output and create 17,490 jobs in Southeast Michigan. Incorporating data from the NEI’s inception in 2008 through 2015, the report also found more than one million square feet of space has been “activated” for entrepreneurial activities—think vacant buildings taken over by startups—and close to 180,000 people have attended entrepreneurial networking events. Grantees have also leveraged NEI support to attract $232 million in matching funding…”
Read more: Xconomy